Tips and tricks about sea turtle watching in Costa Rica

Costa Rica is a great destination if you want to watch sea turtles nesting or hatching. This is definitely a lifetime experience, one of those things you must do at least once in your life; although you will never get tired of it, no matter how many times you witness this wonder of nature. Costa Rica presents a combination of factors that play in your favor for turtle watching: it has a vast coastline both on the Pacific and the Caribbean side and it has 5 species of the 7 that exist in the planet. For the traveler, this means that there are many seasons, species and beaches that can be chosen to cross this milestone from your ‘must-do things before I die’ list.

Elemento Natural wants to give you a few tips and tricks to make this happen for you: we know it is not easy for a traveler and an explorer to include all the things they want to do, in a time-constrained itinerary, so with these pointers you will improve your chances to watch sea turtles in Costa Rica.

1. Choose your destination and season accordingly: remember there are several species that nest in our beaches, so you need to know where, when and who! Meaning what beach you will visit so you can figure out lodging, tour and accommodations; what is the right season for nesting and/or for hatchings; and what species you will have the opportunity to see. Visit our blog for more information on species, nesting areas and seasons!

Sea turtle watching Costa Rica
Sea turtle watching Costa Rica


2. It is really important that you book a tour, since most of the nesting beaches are patrolled by local guides or volunteers working for a Non-Profit, the National Parks, etc. So you can’t really go by yourself. Plus you need to keep in mind that all sea turtle species are endangered, so it is a sensitive activity that needs to be regulated.

3. Now you have booked a trip to a turtle nesting beach at the right time, and a guided tour to go look for them. So you need to dress for the occasion, and plan accordingly: wear long dark pants and long sleeve dark shirt. Dark is necessary to avoid any colors that might distract or interrupt the arrival of the turtle to the nesting site; and long pants and shirt is necessary because there are usually mosquitoes and it is not recommended to use insect repellent because the strong odor might also interfere with the turtle. Flashlights are not allowed, and if light is needed your guide will have a red light lamp or flashlight.

Sea turtle watching Costa Rica
Sea turtle watching Costa Rica


4. Now, you are ready to go turtle watching: manage your expectations and anxiety, remember this is a natural event and that sea turtles are endangered, so it might happen that during your time at the beach, no turtles will arrive. Just as possible as the chance that you will see more than one, or that you will see one when you just get to the beach, or when you are about to leave, you finally see one coming out of the ocean!


Sea turtle watching Costa Rica
Sea turtle watching Costa Rica


So, we hope this information will help you plan your sea turtle watching experience in Costa Rica, and that when you go you have the great opportunity to witness the amazing natural phenomenon!


5 easy steps to make a responsible and sustainable trip

We are sure you have heard about sustainability in tourism. You might even be an enthusiast responsible traveler, or maybe you just wonder what it is about!  We would like to give you 5 easy steps to make your travel sustainable and responsible: just 5 actions you can take with little effort that will transform the lives of the communities you visit, and will greatly benefit the environment!

1. Eco-tourism is, by definition, an active type of tourism: include visits to national parks and natural areas, with local guides. Spending time in nature will boost your energy and the guide´s educated eye will find so many different details that you wouldn’t see on your own. Remember, enjoy without destroying or interfering: just watch! Or as the popular saying goes, take only pictures and leave only footprints.

Sustainable and responsible travel
Visit a natural park

2. You probably do this at home, and you should not stop when you travel. Minimize your waste: reuse and recycle every time! Never leave the trash behind you, especially if you are visiting natural areas. Make sure you properly dispose the trash you generate. Bring your own bottle to refill with water, eat in restaurants and avoid the extra packaging of the ‘to-go’ food, avoid using straws to drink, come up with your own ideas to make a positive contribution!

3. Support the local business when you travel: buy their products, try their food, learn their culture! By trying the local food and beverages, your trip will become more authentic! In the end, tourism is a great opportunity to channel your spending in the most responsible way: as much as you can, buy locally made goods and hire local services.

Sustainable and responsible travel
Hire a local guide

4. Make sure that the company you hire to plan your vacation is really “eco driven” and committed to nature preservation and to benefit as many local actors as possible. When you hire a responsible travel company, they will become your partner, making your trip sustainable and you won’t even notice.

5. Make an educational experience out of your travels: don’t assume locals speak your language: learn and speak as much of their language as possible to interact with local communities. Engage with local communities as much as possible to learn about their culture and history, share yours being respectful and polite at all times. Always share stories with each other!

Sustainable and responsible travel
Share stories

Finally, tell this to your friends: if you like it, preach it! Being responsible in your travels is easy and fun!


Top 5 things to do during September and October in Costa Rica

Did you know that during September and October there is a dry season in Costa Rica? Those two months are the rainiest in the Central Valley and the Pacific Coast, but are the driest of the year in the Caribbean side.

A good time to travel Western Costa Rica indeed! Most would say, let’s go to Puerto Viejo in the South Caribbean! But keep in mind that the nice weather will not only be on the Caribbean coast, but also on all of the regions that are influenced by it! So, we will give you the top 5 things to do in Costa Rica during those two months!

1. Go rafting! The best rivers for rafting in Costa Rica run on the Caribbean slope! So you will have nice sunny days and good levels of water in the river for a fun-filled adventure.

Travel blog Visit Costa Rica, go rafting
Visit Costa Rica, go rafting

2. Visit Tortuguero: the canals and its wildlife are breathtaking, you will have sunny beautiful days but also it coincides with the green sea turtle nesting season. You can’t miss that amazing natural show!

3. Well, yes go to the beach, visit Puerto Viejo or Cahuita! It is a perfect and festive time to travel the south Caribbean. And of course, a nice get-away to Bocas del Toro in Panamá falls right into this category!

Travel blog Gandoca, South Caribbean Costa Rica
Gandoca, South Caribbean Costa Rica (photo credits:

4. Visit Sarapiquí: it might not be so popular but it definitely is a nature lover paradise. Miles of tropical rainforest, rivers and waterfalls for water sports and adventures and a very fertile soil that provides the perfect environment for agro-tourism.

5. Go the the Arenal Volcano: yes, its weather is influenced by the Caribbean too, so it is a good opportunity to do all the fun outdoor activities and enjoy the spectacular view of this conic shaped volcano.

Travel blog Visit Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica
Visit Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica

There are many traveler attractions in Costa Rica, and there is a good time to enjoy them all!


Whale watching season in Costa Rica´s South Pacific

In recent times the arrival of the humpback whale to our pacific coast has received a lot of attention.   Even though the whales have always been there, now it’s very common that the tourists go south in September to watch this enormous mammal. There is a good quantity of cetacean species that swim in our oceans, but the humpback whale is one that comes very close to the shore, so it becomes easier to spot. Also, their visit from the cold water of the far north and south of the planet, happens so they can breed and mate. When the calf is born, it needs warm water to keep the energy while it begins the discovery of this world!

This is why we would like to give you some tips on how to make the best out of your whale watching experience!

Whale watching season in Costa Rica
Whale watching season in Costa Rica

First of all, be aware that there are two seasons when whales come to breed: the north hemisphere residents visit from February to May, and from July to November the south residents come up to our shore.  The population in the south is bigger, therefore this season is better for whale watching.  In any month between August, September or October you will have a great chance of finding them.

We recommend two places to go whale watching: the one that is closer to the Central Valley is the Ballena Marine National Park. However if you have more time, a visit to Caño Island from Drake Bay is ideal! Of course, there are other options, for example if you visit the island from Sierpe ori f you visit Ballena from the Central Pacific.

Whale watching season in Costa Rica
Whale Tail shaped Ballena Marine National Park

If you decide to visit Ballena National Park, then we recommend a 2-day trip, even though you could make it in one day if you don’t mind going back to San José totally exhausted.  Take your first day to drive to the South Pacific and lodge in any of the sustainable lodges from Dominical to Ventanas (you want to be near Ballena National Park).  In the second day you can take the half-day tour, watch them in the bay, navigate near the shore to learn more about the national park and swim in the warm and wildlife abundant water of the Pacific Ocean.  One thing to keep in mind is that Uvita organizes the Whale Festival during September, and you can get pretty good prices, although the tour is shorter and the tourists arrive massively.

Another recommendation is to make sure you hire a responsible tour operator: remember that this activity must be performed in such a way that the animal will not feel stressed and that the tourist is safe at all times.  It is highly recommendable that you have a guide well versed in cetacean biology and ecology so you can have a richer experience.

Whale watching season in Costa Rica
Whale watching season in Costa Rica

During the tour focus on watching the animal and enjoying the experience, rather than taking pictures – especially if this is your first time.  If you are lucky enough so the whale starts jumping, splashing and performing other tricks, it all happens so fast that you will not enjoy the show if you are trying to get the perfect picture.

This is a very unique experience, enjoy it to its fullest! We recommend that you do it at least once in your life!


Visiting the rainforest during the rainy season…what you must know!

Well, if you want to see the rainforest, you can surely expect to see some rain, right? In Costa Rica, as well as other tropical areas of Central America, we do have a marked rainy season from May to November. However, with nature you can never know how rainy it will be, so here are some general ‘good to know’ facts about our rainy season!

Blog Elemento Natural Costa Rica
Rainbows are more common during the rainy season
  • The temperature does not vary greatly with the rainy season. It tends to be cooler than the dry season, but it will not be a game changer for your vacation.
  • Rainy season as most people know it, goes from May to November…but the Caribbean side does not follow that rule! In fact, the driest months over there are September and October!
  • The typical day during the rainy season has a sunny beautiful morning and showers in the afternoon and/or night: that gives you plenty of time to do you outdoor activities first and chill later!
Nice mornings are very common during rainy season
  • You can even save a few bucks taking advantage of the green season discounts that many hotels and tour operators offer!
  • You can have several straight days with no rain, even during the rainy season; as you can have a rainy day during the dry season!
  • As expected, everything is lush and green! Even the tropical dry forest will be green, and animals love it as well!
  • The sky tends to be cloudy, but when the sun goes out, even for just a moment, you will witness a spectacular and colorful landscape that will yield unbelievable pictures of your vacations!
  • A hike in the rain can be healthier for you: the air is cleaner and fresher and the sound and smell of the rain has a calming effect on people.
Blog Elemento Natural Costa Rica
Hiking the rainforest is healthy

Rain should not stop you from traveling and enjoying nature! It’s just part of the experience of visiting a tropical paradise…that’s why we say that the perfect time to visit Costa Rica is always NOW!


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visit norway, visit scandinavia

Travel to Costa Rica from Scandinavia…or vice-versa: what is different and what is not that different?

Travelling is something most people love. You get to meet new people, explore new countries and try new foods: it´s a self-development experience. While travelling you will encounter many things that are not the same as in your home country, and some other that are not that different. They might greet you in another way or have a different way of life than you.

Coming from Scandinavia (Norway) and visiting Costa Rica, a traveler will see some of these differences: starting by the obvious, Costa Rica is warm and sunny, Norway is cold and windy. And of course the weather will brew a different set of people which will withstand such warmth or cold. Norwegians tend to seem a little upfront before you get to know them; Latin people are more open from the start and they’ll include you somehow faster than a Norwegian would do at the start of a friendship. In Costa Rica it’s normal to hug and kiss people on the cheek, while in Norway the norm is more a handshake: Norwegians really love their personal space and a handshake is more than enough when you meet someone new. And the similarities…in both countries you can find trustful and caring people to grow an excellent and lasting friendship!

visit costa rica from scandinavia
Visit Costa Rica from Scandinavia

A lot of people travel to explore new tastes and new food. All countries have different gastronomy. Much of it depends on what you can produce or get in your country: Norway has always been a farmland, and because of its cold weather and geographic location in the north, there is a lot of seasonal fruits and vegetables. That can explain why the traditional food there consists of a lot of dried meat and fish, and potatoes and other hard root vegetables that can be stored throughout the winter without getting bad. If you look at Costarican typical food, you will find a lot more tropical fresh fruits and vegetables combined with different kinds of meats: also there will be main ingredients like rice and beans, because it’s cheaper and has good nutritional value. And of course, the similarities: in both places you can find delicious food for all tastes! It is as likely to find a Norwegian in Costa Rica enjoying a sweet and juicy papaya, than it would be to find a Costarican in Norway enjoying a tasteful salmon filet.

visit costa rica from scandinavia
Visit Costa Rica from Scandinavia

People from different places have a different views on life. Some people are more relaxed while others need to have a plan for every step of their day. This also differs from country to country:  Costaricans don’t like confrontation, while Scandinavians tend to be quite direct. In those terms, Costaricans have a more relaxed view on life and might be less organized, while Scandinavians will exceed at planning and executing a perfect vacation, for example!

visit costa rica from scandinavia
Visit Costa Rica from Scandinavia

Most people travel to explore new things, and nature is a big part of travelling. People travel to Norway because of the mountains and the fjords, while people travel to Costa Rica to look at the volcanoes and the beaches. Nature will take your breath away in both places: while the shapes and colors will be different, the spectacular landscapes and wildlife will be unique and will awake your senses in a very similar way! Keep traveling, keep growing and keep sharing…tourism is a personal journey that should never stop!

visit norway, visit scandinavia
Visit Norway, Visit Scandinavia



By Alex Dahl – Norway, for Elemento Natural.

Visit Costa Rica, Osa Peninsula

Three ways to discover Osa Peninsula with Elemento Natural

Corcovado National Park, located in Osa Peninsula southwest of Costa Rica, is considered by many to be one of the best national parks in the world, one of the most bio-diverse in the planet. The rainforest in it, is not only inside the national park, but it actually covers most of the peninsula, making it tremendously rich in flora and fauna. However, you can not set aside the other natural attractions of the area like the Dulce Gulf, the many beaches like Drake and the wetlands like Sierpe.

Elemento Natural wants to give you 3 recommendations to get up close and personal with Osa, this amazing area of Costa Rica; all three, very different between each other, but that each one of them becomes an awesome trip.

  1. The most traditional way of visiting Osa is going to Drake Bay via Sierpe Wetlands. This option requires that you first reach Sierpe and then take a boat that will take you to the Pacific Ocean and to your hotel in Drake. Going through Sierpe River is an adventure in itself. Once in Drake you can visit the little villeage and some of the local eco-tourism projects in Rancho Quemado and El Progreso. In Drake Bay, you will have easy access to 2 of the best destinations of the area:
    1. The Park´s ranger stations San Pedrillo and Sirena, inside the Corcovado National Park: incredible spots for wild life watching.
    2. Caño Island, one of Costa Rica´s best spots with marine life, excellent for scuba diving and snorkeling.
  2. The next one, maybe more remote than the previous, is to visit La Palma which is located just before Puerto Jiménez. You can get here by car, and you also have the advantage of being close to Rancho Quemado and El Progreso, that you can also reach by car (mostly during the dry season).  Being close to Puerto Jiménez, it´s pretty easy to take a boat to enjoy the beauties of Dulce Gulf, the dolphins, whales and the beaches.  Also, the Los Patos  ranger station is close by, so Corcovado National Park is still an important part of your journey to the Peninsula.  There are some very nice beaches near by, to enjoy the sun and the ocean.
  3. Finally, you can visit Cabo Matapalo, at the tip of the penisula. It is definitely the most remote area, but well worth it because of the spectacular natural views and the impressive flora and abundant fauna. If you want to be in a place where everything is about nature, this is it. And of course, you can still access Corcovado Park through La Leona sector. You can even fly from there or from Puerto Jiménez to Sirena Station, for a day hike.  The beaches on this side are amazing, and you can find many world wide famous surf spots.

Any way you choose, you are going to enjoy nature and you will feel it was totally worth it to make a trip longer than usual. We recommend at least 4 days so you can really get to know the area, hike, swim and rest. The Osa Peninsula es a jewel in our country, worldwide famous! Travel with Elemento Natural and discover Costa Rica.

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10 apps for your next trip to Costa Rica

We all know that travelling is a wonderful experience, and we also know that today technology has an important role in facilitating certain aspects of our trips to make things easier. So, Elemento Natural wants to recommend you some of our favorite apps for travelers, especially if your next destination is Costa Rica!

1. Evernote: This is an ideal app for the organized traveler: you can easily create and organize your itineraries, addresses, contacts, lists and even your first drafts with the key notes you took.

Evernote allows you to create and organize your information in different notes, you can even add audio, images or attach files with important information. You can synchronize easily several devices and then enjoy your vacatios to the fullest.

Download Evernote:

2. Waze: This is the most valuable road companion! Waze facilitará will make sure you find your destinations that you want to reach and will let you choose the best routes to avoid heavy traffic, especially during the rush hours.

If you like to drive and use your own means to transfer from one place to another, this is an app you must have in your smartphone, search your destination point and let the adventure begin!

Download Waze:

3. Instagram: Instagram is more than the filters you can apply to your pictures. It can be your perfect photo album to remember all those amazing moments during your travel: take a pic, share it with your community, show them all the different places you have been to from your perspective, share how beautiful Costa Rica is, so it becomes the next dream destination for your family and friends. Also, look for those exotic places showing up on the “trends” from the instagram search.

Download instragram:


4. Qué Comemos?:

We can´t forget the food! How about express delivery from your favorite restaurants from an app? This is possible in Costa Rica with Qué Comemos? Order food online, with the full menu at your service and with no phone calls. Just keep enjoying your vacation while the food travels to you, and Bon appetit!

Download que comemos:

5. Uber: transfering from one point to another in Costa Rica can get tricky sometimes: if you need to do short trips, if you don´t want to drive or if you are just looking for a reference point to start enjoying San José´s hotspots, then Uber is your best and affordable choice for private transfer.

Download Uber:

6. Spotify: We can´t forget the music! Make your favorite playlists, choose the mood of the music according to your day´s destination or have a blast with a carpool Karaoke with your friends, while you reach your next stop. In Elemento Natural we love good music, so it is a must in each one of our “rides”. Choose between thousands of songs and free music from your mobile device and may the music be with you!

Download Spotify:


7. Yapp!: are you looking for the best optoins to eat locally, enjoy Costa Rica´s nightlife or just discover what´s on for tonight? Yapp! offers a guide of events close to your location so you can keep on enjoying Costa Rica. Additionally, through its web extension you can buy online tickets to concerts and other events available in Yapp!

Download Yapp!:

8. Wi-Fi Finder

Today more than ever, internet access is one of the key things for a traveler, no matter where he/she is.  However, access and roaming charges can skyrocket when you are not in your country or region: and this is where free wifi becomes a plus anywhere we visit.

Wi-Fi Finder helps you find free wifi close to your location, you just need to scan the area and the app will show you where to go nearby.

Download Wifi-Finder: Available for Android.

 9. Packpoint Packing

Do you usually forget something when you travel? No worries! We found a solution with Packpoint, the most complete travel list for your next trip.

Packpoint will help you make a complete list, orderly, of all these items you must bring with you on your travels. First, you define what type of trip you have, your destination and the long of your stay. Then you can specify the type of activities and finally it will give you specific lists and ideas of the things you can´t forget, Et voilà!

Download Packpoint:


10. Ojeadores de Árboles Mágicos.

This is an app from the Magical Trees Foundation, that will help you identify tree species by the color of the flowers, by region: you can discover interesting facts about hundreds of trees in Costa Rica. It´s a perfect way to reconnect with nature and become a botanical amateur!

Download Ojeadores:

If you have a smartphone and you like travelling, don´t think it twice and download all these apps that Elemento Natural recommends you. You know you can´t get tired of travelling, so you need to benefit from technology in each of your trips.

J.Tenorio, Tree Box Studio
for Elemento Natural.


What does Pura Vida mean…

Costa Ricans (Ticos) use this term to say hello, to say goodbye, to say everything’s great, to say everything’s cool. This is the Ticos way of life. Not surprisingly, Costa Rica has been named one of the happiest countries in the world, mostly because its inhabitants don’t get too stressed about things in general. Ticos have a very relaxed, simple way of looking at life. No worries, no fuss, no stress.

But where did Costa Ricans take this phrase from? According to a study of the expression, by Anna Marie Trester a film called Pura vida came to Costa Rica from Mexico in 1956, directed by Gilberto Martinez Solares. In the movie, “Pura vida is the expression of eternal optimism used by a comic character knowed as “Clavillazo”, played by the actor Antonio Espino, who unfortunately can’t seem to do anything right. People started using it then, and it kept growing until the phrase “Pura vida” was used nationwide by 1970. Nowadays, it represents the national motto, which identifies the Costa Rican spirit and our way of being.

Pura Vida somehow manages to be versatile enough that it fits in almost any situation and it makes you feel cool for “pulling it in” when you have a lack of options.

We want to share 6 meanings of “Pura Vida” with you:


1. #PuraVidaMeans “Hello”, “How are you?”  “Hey what’s up?” It is used both as an informal greeting and a pleasant farewell.


2. #PuraVidaMeans: “going great”.  It is a synonym for “excellent”. It reflects happiness, gratitude and satisfaction towards a situation. “Pura Vida” means that people need to be grateful for the things they have instead of dwelling on the negative things that they don’t.


3. #PuraVidaMeans: “in good health”. It is equivalent to having “well-being”. It represents a deep appreciation of your environment and your surroundings.


4. #PuraVidaMeans:  “take it easy” or  “no worries”.  It is believing things will turn out all right. It means looking at the bad stuff with cheer optimism. It’s  synonym of  the  Kenyan Swahili phrase “hakuna matata”.


5. #PuraVidaMeans : “this is real living”.  In essence, life is what you make of it, so enjoy life while you can. It implies a sense of Carpe Diem.  Enjoy the moment in your life, while this moment lasts. It is loving life to its full extent. So begin to live because life is short…


6. #PuraVidaMeans: a state of mind and a philosophy. It represents the Costa Rican way of life.  It means we are all at the same level. That no matter what your current situation is, it is all good. So you need to consider that maybe…just maybe, your situation isn’t all that bad and that no matter how little or how much you have in life, we are all here together.

The real Pura Vida can only be experienced by personally interacting with the people who created it. So, if you want to know what living a peaceful, simple, uncluttered life with a deep appreciation for nature, family and friends feels like, we at Elemanto Natural invite you to visit Costa Rica. Book your trip with us and experience Pura Vida for  yourself!

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Sylvia León Koberg for Elemento Natural.
